Saturday, June 21, 2014


Hello and good afternoon!

So first off I recieved my new companion  last tuesday: Elder Salazar, from Veracruz Mexico (which is like 6 hours from here). He seems like a great missionary and we get along pretty good. He is a hard worker and I think that we are going to get a lot done this transfer. He is an awesome missionary... but he has a lot of wierd habbits: for example, he whistles like a bird every couple of minutes, he drums on everything. whistles to every song that we hear in the streets or in the house. moans in his sleep etc. But, I realize that I also have a lot of wierd habbits, so we are going to get a long great!

The other good news is that Rafael was baptized on Saturday! He repented of a lot of things and changed his life a lot and he is going to be a strong member in the church. I don´t know why but he doesn´t smile for the camera, but despite that he is a happy guy, and getting happier.

This week we worked hard and found some promising new people to teach. Cesar Lara is 19 years old, he contacted us in the streets wanting to find out for himself if God really exists (I might have already told you guys this story) and this week we finally had a solid lesson with him. Cecilia, who is 24 years old, claims to be Buddhist (I don´t know if I believe her) but she started listening to us and said that she learned alot from the Restoration pamphlet that we gave her. And we have Hector, who is looking for two things: the "religion with the pure doctrine", and a job. We are also going to start to teach again Diana and Natalia, who were about to be baptized but because of pressure in her family stopped listening to us for a time. So things are going pretty well this week.

Last night, I read and was inspired by the talk that was given by Henry B Erying in the General Conference, "The Priesthood Man". President Eyring talked a little bit about prayer. He said
"We all pray, but the priesthood holder you want to be prays often and with real intent. In the evening you will get on your knees and thank God for theblessings of the day. You will thank Him for parents, for teachers, and for great examples to follow. You will describe in your prayers specifically who has blessed your life and how, during that day. That will take more than a few minutes and more than a little thought. It will surprise you andchange you."
Prayer is something that we all need to improve on. We need to learn to really communicate with the Father through prayer. It´s easy to pray out of responsability, because we know that we have to do it, But are we really communicating with the Father? President Eyring also said:
"One way you will be changed by such fervent prayer is, I promise you, thatyou will feel truly that you are a child of God."

So, that is something important that I learned this week, about prayer. That we need to learn to how pray fervently. But my hour is up. I love you all a ton! Thanks for all that you guys do! Thanks for your prayers and support. Keep working hard and planting seeds in the hearts of friends, family, etc!

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